Anyway, the other journey I am embarking on is that of a half-marathon. As of last week, I have started a running plan that will hopefully allow me to endure the 13.1 miles of the Omaha Half-Marathon on September 25, 2011.
The crazy thing is that until only about three months ago, I had never run more than a mile straight in my life. In elementary school, when we had to do the mile run, I would simply run for the parts where the P.E. teacher could see us and walk the rest. I wasn't the only one who did it, and since some of us were "running" 15 minute miles, I'm pretty sure the teacher could catch on. In high school, I never had to do anything more than "run the straights, walk the curves" during gym class, and couldn't understand the people who actually chose to run the curves.
Now, here I am, running three to five days a week, with my shorter runs being 3 miles long. How I got there is a topic for another blog post. This post is mostly to publicly state my intentions, thus making it harder for me to back out of both blogging and running a half-marathon.
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