I am trying to keep going with my blog, so I tried coming up with topics to write about. Today, I decided to give you a taste of the contents of my camera phone. There are not very many pictures there, as I tend not to like taking/being in photos. It is a scientific fact that when someone takes a picture of you, they take a piece of your soul. Then, anytime someone looks at that picture, another piece is taken. Facebook has made it possible for you to lose your entire soul in a matter of minutes, with much of it going to your second cousin's co-worker, Jimmy. That's why my Facebook profile picture is a picture of me in a Halloween costume where you can't actually see me. That, and the costume is freaking awesome.
freaking awesome |
Trip to Denver:
You should never post pictures of yourself drinking beer on the internet. For the sake of my run for president in 2020, I will only put up this picture of random beer glasses that may or may not have been consumed by me or my in-laws at the end of the Coors Brewery Tour |
One of several pictures I took of my mother-in-law after she took several pictures of us moving things into a truck. I decided to take a picture of her every couple of minutes to prove some sort of point. After about three pictures I gave up since no one noticed what I was doing, and the joke was lost on everyone. |
Squirrel Shot
The picture doesn't really capture the weirdness of what I saw outside our porch window. This squirrel was laying with only its belly on the fence and it's arms and legs hanging off both sides. I don't imagine it would be very comfortable. |
Trip to the Zoo
Outside of Gretna, on our way to the zoo. I wonder if anyone has ever taken them up on their offer. I don't even know where I could store that much milk. |
Polar bears are always so much fun to watch. After they do something, they do the EXACT same thing over again. What a stupid animal. |
Polar bears are always so much fun to watch. After they do something, they do the EXACT same thing over again. What a stupid animal. |
This gorilla is stretching and practicing yoga. The crappy camera doesn't completely show the peaceful look in his eyes. |
This is a picture of my favorite part of my last trip to the zoo. There was a monkey who was holding a rock, but he apparently thought it was a nut or some sort of food, so he hit it against the ground to break it, but it wouldn't break. Then he'd look at it confused and show it to his monkey friend. Then he hit it against the ground again. He did this about a dozen times. It's funny when animals are stupid and cute. |
I didn't really find this butterfly interesting or beautiful in anyway. I just put this up because for some reason it scared Tyler. To be fair, it was kind of big. |
Fourth of July Desserts
A patriotic cake. I'd like to blame the blurriness of the picture for how bad it looks, but it didn't look much better in person. It was pretty dang tasty though. |
A slightly more flattering shot. |
Because no matter how crappy this blog post was, Cammie will always make it better. |
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